21 July 2015

Liebster Award

Hej kochani!

Tym razem pisze po polsku!:) Niestety nie mam polskich znakow na klawiaturze i nie mam pojecia jak je wlaczyc!:c Mniejsza o to...:)

Pare dni temu zostalam nominowana aby wziasc udzial w Liebster Award. Nominowala mnie Paulina Plandowska, napewno orientujecie sie kto to jest - kilka razy wspominalam juz o niej  na swoim blogu! Nasza znajomosc zaczela sie przez Instagram jakis czas temu... Widujemy sie z Paulina jak najczesciej  mozemy i kiedy tylko znajdziemy chwile wolnego czasu. Paulina zadala mi 11 pytan na ktore musze odpowiedziec. Na tym wlasnie to polega...Nominacja Liebster Award jest otrzymywana od innych bloggerow; jest to jakby pierwsze wyroznienie dla osob ktore sa tu nowe . Daje nam to szanse poznac sie nawzajem , dostrzec nowe interesujace blogi oraz zwiekszyc swoja widocznosc i 'popularnosc'. Sama wiem po sobie, ze poczatki sa naprawde bardzo trude...Czasami pisze tutaj i zastanawiam sie - czy ktokolwiek wogole to czyta? Czy jest w tym jakis sens? I wiem, ze jest. Pomimo, ze widocznosc tutaj nie jest najwieksza, wszystkie czytelniczki ktore mnie obserwuja, komentuja, i pytaja o rozne sprawy niezmiernie mnie motywuja! A wiec dziekuje Wam za to!:)

Czas na pytania...;)

1. Co Cie motywuje/inspiruje?

Motywuje mnie wiele rzeczy i osob, wszystko i wszyscy na inny sposob. Moja mama i chlopak sa napewno najwieksza inspiracja w moim zyciu. Obydwoje sa niesamowici ,zawsze mnie wspieraja i wiem ze moge na nich liczyc. Takze zachecaja mnie abym dazyla do celu i spelniala swoje marzenia.
Oprocz tego, oczywiscie czerpie inspiracje z moich znajomych, bloggerek oraz roznych kont na instagramie. Wkoncu, w tym cala frajda...
Jestem uzalezniona od Instagramu, obserwuje tam wiele wspanialych osob ktore inspiruja mnie kazdego dnia.<3

2. Co chciałabyś osiągnąć w życiu?

Chcialabym osiagnac wiele rzeczy... jedne bardziej realne niz pozostale. W tym momencie po prostu chce byc kochana, zdrowa i szczesliwa oraz duzo podrozowac. W przyszlosci na pewno chcialabym miec dobra prace ktora bede kochala, a nie wykonowala z przymusu. Chcialabym rowniez miec swoj dom - jeszcze nie wiem w jakim kraju (Anglia lub Hiszpania haha), psa (mopsa albo labradora) oraz swoja wlasna rodzine. Marzy mi sie rowniez kremowy mini cooper, a wiec miejmy nadzieje, ze kiedys bedzie moj!:)

3. Czyje blogi odwiedzasz najczęściej?

Odwiedzam wiele blogow ale wspomne moje top 3!
- http://www.kenzas.se
- http://www.skinnyliar.com/?m=1
- http://www.arynsa-arynsa.blogspot.co.uk/?m=1

4. Gdzie i z kim spędziłabyś swoje wymarzone wakacje?

To jest bardzo trudne pytanie! Wymarzone wakacje spedzilabym napewno z moim chlopakiem tylko gdzie?! Jest tak wiele miejsc, ktore chcialabym odwiedzic... Aktualnie, bylyby to chyba wakacje w Santorini; od jakiegos czasu BARDZO chce tam pojechac!:)

5. Jak określiłabyś swój styl?

Zalezy od dnia, nastroju i okazji. Czasami ubieram sie elegancko, naspenego dnia na sportowo. Najbardziej podoba mi sie 'casual style' i tak wlasnie ubieram sie najczesniej. Ladnie i wygodnie.:) 

6. Co sprawia Ci przyjemność?

Duzo rzeczy !! Moja mala siostrzyczka, podrozowanie, fotografia, czas spedzony z rodzina, piekny dzien za oknem, obejrzenie fajnego filmu, przeczytanie ciekawej ksiazki i wiele wiecej.

7. Ulubiona potrawa? 

Uwielbiam spaghetti, golabki oraz racuchy z jablkami i cukrem pudrem- dzisiaj wlasnie po raz pierwszy bede je gotowala sama. Moja mama pojechala na 2 tygodnie do Polski i kupila mi racuchy w torebce. Na szczesce z tylu jest przepis, wiec moze nie bedzie az tak zle! Trzymajcie za mnie kcuki! ;) 

8. Jakie kraje/miejsca chcialabys zwiedzic?

Wymienie tylko top 6, inaczej siedzialabym tu do jutra, haha!
- Santorini,Greece; jak juz wspomnialam wczesniej :)
- New York
- Fiji
- Maldives
- Italy
- Thailand 

9.  Jak lubisz spędzać wolny czas?

Nie mam wiele wolnego czasu, ale jesli znajdzie sie chwilka lubie spedzac czas z moja mala siostra, chodzic na spacery, zwiedzac nowe miejsca, planowac spontaniczne wycieczki, czytac ksiazki i robic zdjecia. Oprocz tego kocham tez zakupy, chodzic do kina i ogladac filmy oraz ulubione seriale.

10. Jak wyobrażasz sobie siebie i swoje życie za 20 lat?

Nie jestem do konca pewna. Jestem spontaniczna i bardzo zmienna osoba!:D Za 20 lat bede miala 37 lat - mysle ze bede miala juz swoj dom, wkoncu zrobie prawo jazdy, bede miala dwoje dzieci- chlopczyka i dziewczynke, psa no i meza.:D  Mam nadzieje, ze rowniez bede podrozowa jeszcze wiecej niz teraz! 

11. Jaką porę roku lubisz najbardziej i dlaczego?

Uwielbiam lato i wszystko co sie wiaze z ta pora roku.. dlugie dni, krotkie noce; spacery po plazy, zachody slonca, pikniki nad jeziorem, wakacje i wycieczki... Chcialabym, zeby lato w Anglii trwalo caly rok a nie tylko 2 tygodnie haha!

To na tyle, jesli chcielibyscie dowiedziec sie czegos wiecej o mnie, po prostu pytajcie w komentarzach!:)

Do uslyszenia!:*

19 July 2015

Brown kimono-jacket


Hope you're all doing well and enjoying your summer holidays. I'm just sitting on my sofa and watching the last episode of Pretty Little Liars. It's quite sunny in Birmingham today and I have a day off , so I'm not complaining.:) I love lazy days when I don't need to rush around to get everything done on time. I wish I could be lazy every Sunday. I mean that's what Sundays are for, right?:)

I was meaning to post this yesterday and the day before but I just didn't have enough time. I've been working a lot lately, saving up for my and Luke's next holiday. Turkey or Greece? Which one would you guys recommend? 

The photos were taken on the top floor of a car park which is located right next to Birmingham Airport. Luke found this place and suggested it to me. I loved the idea so we went to check it out the next day. The place is really awesome- we were so close to the runway, watching the planes take off and land. 

Hope you enjoy my post and like the outfit.:)

16 July 2015


Hey guys! I just wanted to share with you some pictures from our trip to Swansea. Me and my boyfriend decided to go to Wales on Wednesday. We took raincoats, umbrellas and warm clothes thinking it would be raining; however the weather happened to be absolutely beautiful! 
We went with Megabus - they are so good and cheap for travelling to places around the UK. We've only paid £28 return for both of us. Such a bargain! One day was definitely not enough to do and see everything , so we are already planning to go back there in the nearest future.
We left Birmingham at 6 o'clock in the morning and got to Swansea at around 10:30. Firstly, we went shopping and bought some clothes to wear as the ones we brought with us were way too hot. Later we explored the place , walked around the beach, took lots of pictures and went to Nando's.;)
We also wanted to go to 'The three cliffs' but we will have to save that for the next time we go. Do you guys know any other places worth visiting in Swansea? xo

8 July 2015

summer essentials

Hey guys!

Today's post will be about my top 5 summer essentials- things that I always take on holiday with me and couldn't imagine leaving them at home.;)

Apart from these things below there are obviously various other things that I would take on holiday with me like toiletries, my make-up bag, sunglasses, clothes, shoes etc. However, I might do a different post about some of those in the future.

I would never be able to go on holiday without my camera or my recent favourite book to read. Currently, I am looking for a new camera to buy as this one is not the best for 'blogging'. Not long ago, my boyfriend Luke bought me a travel book which I fell in love with. You can make your personal lists of places you want to visit, foods you want to try, water-sports you want to experience and a whole lot more. If you would like to get one , which I recommend , it was only £12.99 and can be found in most book stores.

This summer, I went a little bit  crazy with bikinis and bought at least 7 different ones. Probably like all of you here, we all have our favourites. The bikinis above I could wear over and over again and never get bored. Flower and pineapple prints definitely got my heart this year. 
I love wearing jewellery with casual clothes, elegant clothes, bikinis etc. I think they hugely detail our outfits and make them look different and unique. When going on holiday, I always take lots and lots of different necklaces, earrings and watches in my suitcase. I am not a big fan of rings; they often irritate me - but lately I have bought a couple and gradually starting to like them.:) I buy a lot of my jewellery from Primark; I think they are a decent quality and good value for money. 

Marc Jacobs fragrances are one of my favourites. My mum bought me this set and I absolutely love it! It smells gorgeous! (and it goes with my room haha!) Since I have painted my room pink and white; whoever buys me something, they make sure that it matches my room.:D When going on holiday, I only take one perfume with me and some body mists. These are usually from Victoria's Secret, Bershka or Avon. They are so great and refreshing- perfect for hot summer days.

Last but not least, my teddy Frank travels everywhere with me. I had him for about a year now and we have travelled to many places together. (India, Poland, Canary Islands...). I can't imagine going on holiday and leaving him behind.. So he's one of my top essentials.:)

What are your summer essentials when packing your suitcase?xo

6 July 2015

Birmingham with Paulina;*

Hey guys!
Hope you are enjoying your summer holidays!:)

I wanted to tell you about my and Paulina's day out in Birmingham before I went on holiday, but  I just didn't have much time. Shopping , packing and making sure I've got  everything took over my life haha! The last few weeks I have also been really busy finishing my college 
assignments. Luckily, I have completed everything and achieved Distinction Merit Merit. ;)

Paulina visited me on Monday, two days before I went to Fuerteventura. The weather was gorgeous and we both happened to wear very similar outfits haha! (we did not plan it). 

We walked around the city, went to Birmingham Library and took lots of pictures. I showed Paulina around and we both had a very good time! Later on we grabbed something to eat and went shopping. Our day out went really fast, too fast. In the evening, my boyfriend and Paulina took me to work and then she went back home. I really can't wait to see her again and I can't believe how close we became. It' crazy to think that it all started through Instagram.